GHG Emission Factor
Consolidate GHG Emission Factor Database from various GHG reporting programs, such as Alberta TIER, BC Emission Reporting Regulation, ECCC GHGRP, US EPA, and more.
A suite of applications to help companies measure, manage, report, and reduce their carbon emissions, focusing on ease of verification and assurance
Consolidate GHG Emission Factor Database from various GHG reporting programs, such as Alberta TIER, BC Emission Reporting Regulation, ECCC GHGRP, US EPA, and more.
Consolidate air emission factors from US EPA AP-42. The factors are used for National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting.
Summarize the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) data for electricity generation
Calculator steam enthalpy based on steam pressure and temperature, and steam energy based on steam flow rate and enthalpy
Calculate carbon content of gas fuel based on gas composition in accordance with Alberta TIER
Summarize the Petrinex data for fuel, flare and production for Alberta Aggregate GHG reporting under TIER
Predict methane emissions of selected oil and gas companies
Calculator GHG emissions under various regulatory reporting program, such as Alberta TIER, BC Emission Reporting Regulation, ECCC GHGRP, US EPA, and more.
Open-Source predictive emission monitoring system (PEMS) for air emissions monitoring and reporting
Methane emission monitoring, reporting, and reduction program for oil and gas industry under Alberta D60, Saskatchewan D60, BC OGR, US EPA, and more.
Decarbonization tools to help companies' decarbonization planning and reporting
Provides carbon forecasting and carbon credit management under Alberta TIER, BC Emission Reporting Regulation, and more.
Calculated air emissions for National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting.